CHAND supplies spares, repair parts, and consumables in support of the complete logistics package in an effort to maintain high operational availability for all systems.
CHAND’s team utilizes their in-house developed software system, CAPPS© (Computer-Aided Parts Procurement System) to procure and track spares for both U.S. Government and commercial programs. Containing over 55,000 suppliers and 99,000 cataloged items, CAPPS© is instrumental in locating parts anywhere around the world while affording the customer the best value in cost and availability.
CAPPS© also maintains historical information such as purchase and sales history. CAPPS© features also include the capability of creating bar-code labels allowing CHAND to give the customer a user-friendly basis to locate the parts aboard the vessel or in a selected storage facility.
CHAND conducts load-out and inventory processes with the customer, program management, shipyard production, and vessel crews to minimize interferences and to expedite load-out. CHAND is very familiar with Government programs such as ROMIS-MMS and MERLIN. CAPPS© is built utilizing commercial software which allows these types of systems, as well as other systems, the ease of integrated data opportunities.